Don’t you just wish that there was a magic pill that you can take and enable you to play violin at the level of a virtuoso?
Would you want a pill that would allow you to solve complex mathematical problems or ace a bar exam just like that?
Are you fantasizing of becoming a genius stock market player and make millions in a few hours?
You probably watched the 2011 science fiction movie “Limitless,” and thought, “why not?”
Science Fiction vs. Reality
Well, a real pill that would make you an instant mathematical genius or a musical virtuoso does not exist, but the next best thing does. It has been readily available for billions of years in nature. In fact, it has been available in precisely synthesized and isolated forms for almost a century now.
You can purchase these power foods for the brain from pharmacies even without a prescription, and it won’t cost you a fortune. This product is none other than synthetic vitamins.
Vitamins in pill, capsule or tablet forms have been available since the 1930s when vitamin C was first synthesized and mass produced.
Multivitamin benefits as an intelligence enhancer is neither science fiction nor marketing hype. This has been scientifically tested and clinically proven among human subjects.
Although vitamins won’t make you an instant Albert Einstein even if you overdose (which is unadvisable as you’ll only be wasting the nutrients), sufficient amount of vitamins will help optimize your cognitive functions.
On the other hand, deficiency in some vitamins will make you physically sick and intellectually weaker.
For breastfeeding moms, it is important to note that what you eat can affect the taste and smell of your milk. consult your physician before devising a breastfeeding meal plan that includes vitamins or supplements.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
The important role of vitamin C in health was discovered by sailors a long time ago. Many sailors during the period of world exploration and discoveries in the 15th century suffered from scurvy. They were able to remedy this by eating citrus fruits.
In terms of boosting IQ, some studies have shown that people who take vitamin C supplements improve their performance in IQ tests. Higher dosage produced better results.
The notable improvement must have something to do with the antioxidant properties of the vitamin. It can help protect your brain cells, and improve memory retention and blood flow to the brain.
Natural Sources: lemons, oranges, papayas, mangoes, pineapples and strawberries
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Vitamin B12 has an important role in memory retention. The importance of this vitamin was discovered among subjects who were deficient in this vitamin.
If you are a strict vegetarian, you are likely to be deficient in this vitamin because meat products are the main source of vitamin B complex.
Consequently, many vegetarians suffer from memory loss and lethargy.
Supplementation of this vitamin, when taken with fish oil supplements, also has some promising results among those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
Natural Sources: milk, liver, pork, poultry meat, eggs and butter
Vitamin E
This is a group of eight types of fat-soluble biochemicals. People who are deficient in vitamin E suffer from neurological problems such as muscle weakness and poor coordination.
Some clinical evidence indicates that this vitamin has positive effects on the cognitive abilities of the elderly. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, sufferers of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease benefit from the supplementation of vitamin E.
Natural Sources: nuts, seeds, blueberries, avocados, blackberries, spinach and bell peppers
Folic Acid
If you are an expectant mother, you need to eat food high in folic acid or take supplements of folic acid. This vitamin is essential during the first trimester of pregnancy. It helps in the formation of healthy nerves and neurons in the developing fetus.
On the other hand, if you are over 60 years of age, you can also benefit from folic acid in terms of boosting your memory and reducing your risk of depression.
Elderly people who are supplementing with folic acid have lower risks of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Deficiency in this vitamin can result to the clogging of the blood vessels and eventual damage of the brain cells.
Natural Sources: leafy green vegetables, okra, avocado, and citrus fruits
Supplements for a Healthy Brain
Intelligence and memory are intertwined cognitive faculties that typically deteriorate as people age. However, you can lower your risk if you have sufficient vitamins in your diet.
If you are aware that you have inadequate vitamin intake, you can always search for the best multivitamin products to supplement your diet. As always, taking supplements and/or medicine is best done under medical supervision.
Vitamins may not make you a genius, but they will definitely help you maintain and even improve your cognitive abilities.