5 Tips for Getting Started in CrossFit

CrossFit is the fitness trend which is only growing in strength and popularity and far from falling by the wayside it is becoming the go-to fitness approach for many beginners, but it can seem a little intimidating at first.

Going into a CrossFit box can initially be somewhat off putting as it can seem like everyone is fitter than you and there can be a lot of noise, so if you are a beginner planning to get started in CrossFit, here are five key tips to help you get started.

1. Be prepared before you go

If you feel intimidated on your first go then one of the ways to help you feel calmer is to make sure you are fully prepared. Make sure you have done your research and bought the right clothing and shoes before you head in.

Speak to the box manager before you head to the sports shop just to check exactly what gear and shoes you need to buy for starting out in CrossFit but just knowing you are dressed correctly will help you get into the right mindset to be ready to start.

2. Don’t worry about your fitness levels

Many beginners put off starting CrossFit because they fear that you have to be super fit already even to take part – but this is not the case. Many people see CrossFit at competitive level on television and think that’s what the classes will be like but that’s not the case.

Anyone can do CrossFit and while it might be challenging in the first few months that’s almost the reason you started down this road in the first place. People from all walks of life and all ages and levels of fitness take part in and enjoy CrossFit every day.

3. Don’t be intimidated when you walk in

CrossFit boxes can be daunting with music blaring out, people dropping weights on the ground, crazy dancing and lots of shouting and cheering so as a beginner that can all feel a little intimidating when you first walk in but the key is not to let it put you off.

It’s a change to your usual gym routine but the shouting is people cheering others on for motivation, the weights being dropped are probably not as heavy as you first think and the crazy dancing are moves that have been perfected over time. Don’t let fear of change put you off trying something new.

4. Make sure you go regularly

Just like any other exercise routine, you can’t expect to see results overnight but if you keep going regularly you will start to see improvements. The key is to attend consistently and to keep going. If you have an initial goal don’t stop once you get there, set a new, more challenging goal.

If you stop going you will soon get back to where you are now and have to start all over again so as a beginner, you need to be prepared to make the commitment to go regularly, at least one or two times every week.

5. Have realistic expectations

This final tip runs alongside number 4 – you need to have realistic expectations about what you can achieve by when. CrossFit should really be a long-term plan with goals to achieve as you continue along your journey.

You shouldn’t come to your first class and expect to come away having mastered all the techniques and dropped inches off your waist. It doesn’t work like that – in fact no exercise routine ever works like that.

You need to be prepared to put in the time to master all of the techniques and to accept that it will take time before you start seeing results but no doubt about it, if you put in the effort and the work and have patience, you will see results.

Part of playing the long game and having patience means you will be coming to CrossFit regularly so why not get to know the other people and take part in social events and become involved in the box so it becomes a key part of your life and not just another exercise chore to be completed.

CrossFit is here to stay and with more and more people keen to try it out and change up their
exercise routine it’s only going to keep growing. So don’t let fear of change or worry over your
fitness levels put you off.

If you want to try it out for yourself just head down to your local CrossFit box and book yourself in for a beginner session. As long as you are in the right state of mind to try something new you will be open to discovering all the delights and fun that CrossFit has to offer.