Do you dream of having an athlete’s body with a brilliant muscular connotation, translating: Do you dream of having a defined and worked body.
If the bones of your body take you forward to your lazy muscles, these 10 ideas are fundamental to change your body from fragile and thin, to strong and muscular.
We discover here the 10 tips on how to have a body of your dreams, with muscle mass specially made for the frame you always wanted and how the all in one weight sets helps to increase your muscle growth.1. Increase weight progressively
It is known that the body adapts to stimuli, so you can use this characteristic to your advantage: force your body to adapt to an increasing effort from training to training.
Increasing the weight during the repetitions of each exercise (until you can no longer do it) will cause your muscles to develop. Doing weight training is a good way to achieve an increase in muscle volume.
This way you will also have a sense of your physical limits, and the capacity for muscle growth. If you always train at the same weight in every session, how can you expect your body to grow?
If you want a more defined musculature, you will have to increase the weight in each workout, or the number of repetitions.
If weightlifting isn’t your style, then make sure to do bodyweight exercises like pushups and airsquats. If you want to make progress in these movements you can use a TRX trainer to change up the angle and put more stress on your muscles. Click here to learn which one is the best TRX suspension trainer.
2. Eight to twelve repetitions
An exercise, repeated 8 to 12 times will make your muscles develop; repetitions of 3 to 6 will serve almost only to increase strength; 15 to 20 repetitions may stimulate muscle growth, but they are not ideal.
The ideal weight to lift must be a weight that does not allow you to achieve more than 12 repetitions or less than 8.
3. Six to nine exercises
To stimulate muscle growth, 6 to 9 sets of repetitions for each part of the body (eg, legs, arms, back, shoulders) are ideal. Training should also not exceed 45 minutes to prevent the body from releasing catabolic hormones that destroy muscle tissue.
If you do 9 sets of repetitions for each part of the body, you will be able to get a 45-minute workout.

4. Increase your protein intake
Recovering and repairing muscle tissue is very important, so adding protein to your diet is essential. Protein does not have to be ingested in an absurd excess.
To know the amount of protein you should eat daily you must do some calculations:
- Fat-free body mass (Kg) x 2.75 = Protein ingested daily
- Fat-free body mass = total body weight – the amount of body fat that holds the body
To know your body fat percentage, you should calculate it using the special formula for men:
- Fat-free body mass (male) = (1.10 x weight (kg)) – 128 x (weight2 / (100 x height (m)) 2)
Another option to determine the amount of protein ingested daily will be: ingest 1 gram of protein for every 500 grams of body weight. For example, a man of about 80 kilos should eat about 160 grams of protein daily.
The preferred protein source should come from meats (preferably white), fish, oats, rice, potatoes, eggs, cheese, seafood, tofu, nuts, nuts, almonds, seeds, and protein shakes.
5. Eat health fats
Eating fats increases the anabolic hormonal system in the body. These hormones are testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin level.
Some people opt for anabolic steroids, but it is possible to get a growth diet based on certain foods that contain healthy fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil, coconut milk, natural yogurt, avocado, goat cheese, ricotta cheese, peanut butter, almonds and walnuts, dark chocolate and fatty fish like sardines, salmon and trout.
6. Stay hydrated
The body needs a high level of hydration, and the muscles are made up of a large percentage of water, so drink plenty of water, or Cabinda wood tea with ginseng, thus helping to hydrate and replenish energy.
To maintain energy levels, 8 to 12 glasses of water a day are ideal.
7. Eat plenty and well
To grow up you had to eat, right? Your muscles to grow must also be nourished. To repair and to increase the muscles worked, it is necessary to feed them.
This type of food does not have to be a diet rich in saturated fats or an unhealthy diet; increasing the amount eaten is not the same as decreasing the quality, so increase the intake of proteins (white meat and fatty fish), vegetables and cereals (pasta, cereal bread, lentils, beans, and all types of legumes), fruits and fruit juices (avocado, mango, grapes, banana, apricots, red fruits).
8. Decrease cardio training
Excessive cardiovascular training increases the release of catabolic hormones in the body, leading to the destruction of muscle tissue.
If you want to increase your muscles, you should decrease your cardio training and increase your weight training.If you want to lose fat the ideal is to do cardio training, but make sure you do it immediately when training weights, doing an intense cardio workout of a maximum of 20 minutes.
9. Sleep
Resting is essential to achieve an increase in muscle mass.
When you are in deep sleep, growth hormone is released; when you sleep, the muscle tissue repairs itself because the increase in blood flow is also greater, with more blood being brought to the muscles. So resting, and above all sleeping well, is essential.
10. Relax
When you are stressed – among other effects – a hormone called cortisol is released, resulting in negative muscle wasting. Being less stressed also raises your good attitude towards life, and this is essential to achieve your goals.
This might sound weird as a health tip, but find ways to relax. I like to watch funny TV shows as night prior to falling asleep. This helps me to relax and unwind for the night. Doing this allows me to get better sleep, which helps to accelerate muscle growth and recovery.